Back in 2022, I interviewed Ozarks artist Deby Gilley. We talked about her style of art: linocut and woodcut prints. More importantly, we discussed her mission surrounding her art – focusing on the glory of God. Fast forward two years, and Deby just published her second book, “A Visual Voice in the WILDERNESS.”

Her first book, self-published in 2020 was titled “The ABC’s of Folklore and Slang: Told in 26 Linocuts.” In the forward, she writes, “My ultimate goal, however, is that the Glory of the Lord will shine through the simplicity of each of the 26 linocuts.”
At the time of that interview, she had begun working on her second book featuring more art, but this one would center on scripture and also, traditional hymns or contemporary worship lyrics.

I was fortunate to sit down at my kitchen table with Deby last week (May 23, 2024) after she brought me her new book, “A Visual Voice in the WILDERNESS,” which she had picked up that very morning. This one features 40 linocut and woodcut prints. It also has a theme – wilderness. In the forward, Deby writes, “I chose to create forty relief prints because of its significance in scripture relating to wilderness.” She writes that the word “wilderness” not only relates to “a barren, arid and dry place,” but also, “a place of spiritual re-newness … awareness of God’s divine power and love.”
Deby said that after our last chat in 2022, she had to “get into gear” to finish the art for the book. At that time, she had completed a third of the prints included in this book.
Deby spends time in devotions daily, which guide her inspirations for the next linocut or woodcut. When asked if the art in the book was inspired by scripture first, she said, “No, the image was thought of, a lot of times an image came up on social media. I just get this tug – and I know it’s the Holy Spirit saying ‘Save that photo.’ Then, down the line, I’ll either be reading something or there’s a theme show coming up and I’m thinking, ‘Oh, that photograph would make a good print,’ so I will research to see what scripture goes with that image.”
She continued, “One time the theme was ‘Into the Blue,’ and I Googled “Blue in scripture” and it came up about tying the blue chord. That inspired the 4-color reduction linocut of the hand of a guitar player, with a tassel hanging from his cuff. It stems from Numbers 15: 38-39: “… and it shall be a tassel for you to look at and remember all the commandments of the Lord.”
For “A Visual Voice in the WILDERNESS,” she asked 17 “godly men and women,” who are friends of hers, to share their knowledge of the verses and phrases she had chosen. My pastor, Zach Williams, commented on Matthew 18: 20, which states “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Zach said, “It’s all about the promise! If we meet together in His name, or if our subject of discussion is about Him, of if we visit the elderly or the sick or anyone for any purpose on His behalf, then we have the confidence He is in our presence.”
However, Deby said that in some cases, she only showed the images to the commentators. She chose the 7-color reduction linocut titled “Of Rocks and Trees …” for the cover (From the song “This is My Father’s World”), and showed it to Kurt Caddy, a retired campus minister from Southwest Baptist University, who related the scripture from Psalm 96:11-12 and Psalm 19 to describe the beauty of the scene – inspired by a photo of Elephant Rocks State Park. Kurt wrote, “And should all things that have breath forget (or neglect) to exhale His praise, the very rocks and stones scattered on these Ozarks hills and valleys shall cry out in praise and worship.”
Deby planned to introduce “A Visual Voice in the WILDERNESS” to her church, Eudora Baptist, first, since there are a few ties in the book to that church. She will be signing her book on July 5, at the Christian Brethren Fellowship, in Mountain Grove. She was prepping for a show in Greenville after I talked to her, over Memorial Day weekend. To find out where Deby will be signing books and selling art, check out her Facebook page, which is listed below.
When not at shows or signings, Deby can be found working on a commercial building on her property in Dadeville, to use as a gallery. And by working, I mean electrical wiring and adding a new ceiling.
Deby said that after she sells enough of the books to cover the printing costs, she will donate the rest of the proceeds to a good cause. “When that time comes, and hopefully that’s soon, I’m sure the Lord is going to lead me to whatever He wants me to support.”
“A Visual Voice in the WILDERNESS” is a full-color, glossy 8.5 x 11 book. Cost is $20, plus shipping. Please contact Deby Gilley at her Facebook page for more information.